Saturday, May 9, 2015

How to Prepare for a Job Interview

How to Prepare for a Job Interview

Failing to prepare is preparing to fail! This presentation provides tips to help you prepare for a job interview.
Published in: Recruiting & HRCareer


  • 1. Ax 3 ; “ 2 “ ‘ “ ‘x ‘ A ‘ A ' A ‘ ‘ Z, » “ § T - 4?»-9} . ‘ 6. . ,B—- r», ‘ ; jr U r~‘ 9 5")‘ 1’ »- , /T/ , : ,»«<‘: ‘ ’, I 1 PresentationMode E ‘ A " www. presentationmode. co. uk
  • 2. I 1 , _ _ A , ,_ , _._, -,.4,, , , ,A_, ,,. __, ,_, ,_J www. prc§c'mau'onmodc. co. uk
  • 3. - ~ . 5 ~‘-. r ‘.0 _"V, ... ,_ . ’.r‘. . ; . .~x ; _ LI-E -‘. *;9}: ».'°. %_-; 5. : ;.~: -«.5.
  • 4. ~ Consider how and why the company appeals to you - Think about the ways in which the company’s products and services resonate with you and are aligned with your interests presemaglonmode i www. prcscnt: I lionmodc-. co. uk
  • 5. l/ lain u; :r: i:Iil. ‘v vlvlmii ~ri; =7$: i “I? -‘ : «~; i’nI@i= .iu}~ : .I': v:. Irii"ir~: i’n‘ui ‘l'u; Il' ~: w;ir: r
  • 6. - Identify the company’s office - Explore customer reviews locations and ratings in relation to the company’s prod ucts/ services ~ Look into the ways in which the organisation has expanded p, e5enmmnM°de i www. prcscm: I lionmodc-. co. uk
  • 7. p, eSema, IonM°de i www. prcscm: Ilionmodc. co. uk
  • 8. them against your experience and abilities Good Microsoft Office Skills? Excellent Communication Good Organisation - Brainstorm a list of the skills sought by the company and map www. pro. ¢‘dmatlomnodo. Vco. u__l: y
  • 9. PresentationMode i Commit to memory the start and end dates for each of the roles detailed on your CV Memorise the duties and tasks undertaken in each of the roles so that you can explain them, when asked Prepare copies of your CV to bring along with you to the interview www. prcscm: I lionmodc-. co. uk
  • 10. Practice makes perfect! - Research and practice answering common interview questions to help you feel at ease with the interviewing process - Make a note of the types of questions you feel least comfortable with, and spend time developing and strengthening your answers presemaglonmode i www. prcscm: I lionmodc-. co. uk
  • 11. p, eSema, ,onM°de i www. prcscm: Ilionmodc. co. uk
  • 12. ~ Enquire into the number of interviewers you will be assessed by - Establish the interviewer’s names and job titles ‘ . I ' ‘ , _: ‘_ F3 is 7 l l r’ K 1 I 7 . t l/ 4‘ » . ' - l 5 k «A / " , I 7 r"-» ‘i / , », , W .9, « E t , ~ in p, esem3,, onM°de i www. prcscm: Ilionmodc. co. uk
  • 13. /as C - Trial the route the day / before the interview _ - Make a note of alternative ‘ routes (in case there are travel disruptions) ‘ “‘ p, e5enm; ,onM°de i www. prcscm: I lionmodc-. co. uk
  • 14. l 1 , _ _ A , ,_ , _._, -,.4,, , , ,A_, ,,. __, ,_, ,_J www. prc§c'mau'onmodc. co. uk
  • 15. lw. .ll"liiiii. * C“ W‘ W “ 1 = Smile; it can help to relieve nerves and convey that you are relaxed Maintain eye contact to display interest and confidence Maintain good posture and avoid slouching p, e5enm; ,onM°de i www. prcscm: I lionmodc-. co. uk
  • 16. _£Y. l'il,1'i_| ;[l‘! fli“l; | m: i.~ re «|1;_k": -M‘ ‘Jr id 11 M h: 3-H air l~, ‘W; l r’§. . i~;9_ll_liI! i.~*’l_l, i?f5N PresentationMode i 1. Why wait to be prompted for details? Answer questions confidently and provide examples of when you have utilised the skills and abilities in question Maximise your opportunity to convince the company that you are the right person for thejobl www. prcscm: I lionmodc-. co. uk
  • 17. Asking questions: - Provides an opportunity for you to find out more about the company, the role, and it helps you to determine whether they are suitable for you ~ Conveys interestand , enthusiasm, which can ‘ leave a positive, lasting impression p, e5enm; ,onM°de i www. prcscm: I lionmodc-. co. uk
  • 18. I 1 , _ _ A , ,_ , _._, -,.4,, , , ,A_, ,,. __, ,_, ,_J www. prc§c'mau'onmodc. co. uk
  • 19. , ‘ ‘ _g, .,——’*”‘“777777¥v "; 'l ‘>ii‘ VI -‘fl-‘, ";“ E Fl“ “"1 . I“ I A I’ »'~ - L 1), ‘F. “| ‘V“‘l I‘ tr F ' '~L"‘L ‘ ‘HIV. L‘! I - - . .4.. I l - It 3! '* ~: .l. i . — -' E E ». _,_l , , '~ ~ r‘-.1 I J 1 2 v—- ~ Shake hands with each of the interviewers, briefly and firmly, using your right hand - Give thanks whilst shaking hands (it shows courtesy and confidence) p, e5enm; ,onM°de i www. prcscm: I lionmodc-. co. uk
  • 20. I midi rt? ’ Ht‘? -l‘, l‘l--. " 1 ‘let «” _ _ ' ' - Irrespective of how you ‘.1 feel the interview went, smile and continue to display confidence! | _ p, e5enm; ,onM°de i www. prcscm: I lionmodc-. co. uk
  • 21. I 1 , _ _ A , ,_ , _._, -,.4,, , , ,A_, ,,. __, ,_, ,_J www. prc§c'mau'onmodc. co. uk
  • 22. Created by: PresentationMode www. presentationmode. co. uk For help with your next presentation, contact us on: Tel: 020 7859 4019 4., :_. _,. : , ., ._ 4,, . _, ,._. , _. ,.. _ : _ A’-'-:5 ‘v’ "-? .'J. «' -9, a _ . ' 5 3,; .:_ jg . -.“ g-'_,

Housing, the 2015 General Election and Beyond: 10 Key Themes

Housing, the 2015 General Election and Beyond: 10 Key Themes

In his presentation about housing and public opinion at the Chartered Institute of Housing London conference, Ben Marshall outlined 10 key trends and themes.


  • 1. Housing, #GE2015 & beyond 10 key themes @BenM_IM 28.4.15 #CIHLonConf
  • 2. 1. Housing is a more prominent issue
  • 3. Manifest in this… 3
  • 4. And this… 4 Source: Social Market Foundation
  • 5. 2. This is not surprising
  • 6. 0 5 10 15 20 Jan 2014 Feb 2014 Mar 2014 Apr 2014 May 2014 Jun 2014 Jul 2014 Aug 2014 Sep 2014 Oct 2014 Nov 2014 Dec 2014 Jan 2015 Feb 2015 Mar 2015 Apr 2015 May 2015 2014-15 2009-10 2004-5 14 9 5 Salience has been building…. Q1/Q2 What is the most important/other important issues facing Britain? [UNPROMPTED] % mentioning housing Base: c1,000 GB adults per monthSource: Ipsos MORI Issues Index GE (where no measure (x4 2009-10), previous month % continued) 6
  • 7. Reflects ‘generation strains’… 7
  • 8. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 All 16-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ % buy % rent 39And aspiration: the (second) British religion Source: Ipsos MORI/#HousingDayBase: All GB adults (1,997), 24 Oct-2 Nov 2014 8 Q. If you had a free choice, would you choose to rent your housing or would you choose to buy?
  • 9. 0 1 2 3 4 5 Not only unsurprising, but well timed 9 Base: c800 British adults 18+ giving a voting intention Source: Ipsos MORI Political Monitor Leaders Parties Policies Q. If you had a total of ten points according to how important each of these was to you, how many would you allocate to the leaders of the party you intend to voting for, how many to its policies, and how many to the party as a whole?
  • 10. 3. But it is still ‘second order’…
  • 11. …behind the big hitters Pensions/ benefits Europe Foreign affairs/defence Unemployment 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 Source: Ipsos MORI Political MonitorBase: c. 1,000 British adults 18+ What will decide your vote? Health Economy Asylum & immigration Education Q. What do you see as the most/other important issues facing Britain today? Q. Looking ahead to the next general election, which, if any issues do you think will be very important to you in helping you decide which party to vote for? Most important issues Crime Taxation For vote decision – average of Foreign affairs and defence, pensions and benefits Poverty/inequality Housing 11
  • 12. Four key drivers to an issue being ‘sticky’ Engagement✓ Source: Sir Robert Worcester and Prof. Roger Mortimore (Ipsos MORI) Explaining Labour’s Landslide Differentiation✓ Ability Will 1312 ✓ ✓ ? ?
  • 13. 4. Likely because weaker sense of government agency
  • 14. Will voting help solve the housing crisis? 14
  • 15. “WE did not build enough homes” (Ed Miliband, 16.4.15) 15
  • 16. 5. Crisis felt much less locally (& differently)
  • 17. Q1/Q2 What is the most important/other important issues facing Britain? [UNPROMPTED] 74% national, 46% local 17 48% 40% Women Men 54% 45-54 37% 38% 18-24 39% ‘AB’ 51% ‘DE’ 65% Social renter56% Private renter 39% Mortgage 76% London 55% South 39% North 39% Scotland Base: 1,010 GB adults 18+, 11-13 Jan 2015 Source: Ipsos MORI/CIH % agree “There is a housing crisis in my local area 65+
  • 18. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Jan 2014 Feb 2014 Mar 2014 Apr 2014 May 2014 Jun 2014 Jul 2014 Aug 2014 Sep 2014 Oct 2014 Nov 2014 Dec 2014 Jan 2015 Feb 2015 Mar 2015 Apr 2015 May 2015 2014-15 2009-10 38 10 Q1/Q2 What is the most important/other important issues facing Britain? [UNPROMPTED] % mentioning housing Base: c1,000 GB adults per month, c100+ in LondonSource: Ipsos MORI Issues Index GE (where no measure (x4 2009-10), previous month % continued) A top three issue (and top issue for London 2013-) 18
  • 19. There are different political (& geographic?) perspectives Base: 1,010 GB adults (telephone) 18+, 11-13 Jan 2015 103 MPs (face-to-face), 4 Nov-19 Dec 2014 ‘Voters’ = say ‘certain’ will vote for party at general election (291 Con, 256 Lab, 68 Lib Dem) MPs; 45 Con, 45 Lab, 11 Lib Dem 15% Con MPs 76% Lab MPs Lib Dem MPs 34% Con voters 51% 52% Lib Dem voters Source: Ipsos MORI/CIH % agree “There is a housing crisis in my local area (public)/“…in my constituency” (MPs) 83% 19
  • 20. 6. Prices have been the iconic issue
  • 21. Prices front of mind Q. Which, if any, of the following do you see as the 2 or 3 most important problems facing the housing market in Britain today? Base: 1,009 GB adults 16-75, online, 10-13 October 2014 Source: Ipsos MORI/ JLL Size of deposits 31% Lack of social housing 30% House prices are too high 47% Not enough new homes being built 20% Rents too high 28% Too many people from abroad buying homes 21% Housing benefit changes 14% Banks not giving out mortgages 15% Stamp duty is too high 14% Big homes occupied by 1 or 2 people 5% Too many second homes 13% Not enough schemes for renters to get on ladder 12% 21
  • 22. Base: 1,009 GB adults 16-75 (online), 10-13 October 2014 Source: Ipsos MORI/ JLL Base: 103 MPs (face-to-face), 4 Nov – 19 Dec 2014 Reducing the no. of empty homes Making it easier for FTBs to own/part- own their homes 28% Improving run down estates 27% Reducing the no. of empty homes 32% Tackling homelessness & rough sleeping 22% Tackling bad landlords 15% Making homes more energy efficient 12% Building more homes which are affordable 35% Building more homes which are affordable 68% Reducing the no. of empty homes 26% Improving run down estates 22% Making homes more energy efficient 16%Tackling homeless- ness & rough sleeping 5% Making it easier for FTBs to own/part-own their homes 39% Tackling bad landlords 17% Q. This list shows a selection of issues associated with housing in Britain. Which one or two, if any, do you think should be the highest priority for the government to deal with?… Public MPs Source: Ipsos MORI/ CIH
  • 23. 7. But supply is becoming the silver bullet
  • 24. The worm turned… 24
  • 25. “Yes, but…” 25
  • 26. 8. Remarkable shift in opinion on supply
  • 27. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 2010 2013 2014 % support % oppose % neither Source: British Social Attitudes Survey Britain for Homes? Much more so… 24 Q. Would you support or oppose more homes being built in your local area? 27
  • 28. 39 40 25 60 …it meant building on greenfield …it helped to bring more and better facilities to this area …more were built per year than have been built per year in the past 58 27 % Support % Oppose But opposition (‘nimbyism’) hasn’t been defeated Base: 1,002 residents 16+ Source: Ipsos MORI 28 Q. Again thinking about…and, in principle, to what extent would you support or oppose new homes being built in the future if… 54 32 In principle
  • 29. 9. These trends could strengthen as ‘political power’ of private renters increases
  • 30. ‘Voting power’ x2.5owner-occupiers vs renters Size & turnout are key elements to this Source: Ipsos MORI election poll aggregates (GB) 2010, ONS Census 30
  • 31. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Owners Mortgage Private renters Social renters Con Lab LibDem UKIP Source: Ipsos MORI Political Monitor aggregate 2014 (vote share based on those ‘certain to vote’) PRS & mortgage had been ‘bellweather’ tenures… % vote share 2014 aggregate 24 31
  • 32. 10. Broad ‘retail offer’ from housing needed
  • 33. Mixed tenure provision 33 Q. If new homes were to be built in your local area, which if any of these types of homes do you think are most needed? 36% 34% 23% 6% 15% 12% Homes to rent from local authorities or housing associations Homes to buy Homes to part- own and part- rent Homes to rent from private landlord No new homes needed Don't know Base: 2,000 GB adults,16-75 (online), 30 May-4 June 2014 Source: Ipsos MOR/CIH
  • 34. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 16-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ % social % private 24 39 % Social housing: safety net & springboard 34 Q. As you may know there are two main ways that a household can rent their home, private-rented, when it is being rented from a private landlord, and social rented from a local council or housing association. Which of the two ways of renting do you think would best provide… And, overall, which would you say is the best form of renting? Source: Ipsos MORI/#HousingDayBase: All GB adults (1,997), 24 Oct-2 Nov 2014
  • 35. 1% 21% 24% 53% The ‘fifth tenure’ remains a blindspot I am interested in buying or renting an intermediate market home and have already applied I don’t know enough about intermediate housing to know if I am interested or not Q. Which of the following, if any, best describes your attitude towards intermediate market housing? I am interested in buying or renting an intermediate market home but have NOT applied I am NOT interested in buying or renting an intermediate market home Base: All potential consumers (3,365), 2010 Source: Ipsos MORI/HCA 3535
  • 36. Finally… don’t forget the audience (& the lived reality)
  • 37. Understand your audience…(perils of perception) 9 16 18 20 21 16 3/4 or more Between 1/2 and 3/4 Around half Between 1/4 and 1/2 Less than 1/4 Don't know Base: 1,699 adults aged 16+, April-May 2012 Actual = 10%: Source: Ipsos MORI/British Property Federation 37 Q. ‘Developed land’ is defined as… What proportion of land in England do you think is developed?
  • 38. Applies to these too… 38
  • 39. A warning (in a silver cloud) Source: Ipsos MORI Base: 837 adults aged 16+ across England 13 March-1 April 2015 Q. To what extent do you support or oppose Government borrowing money to fund the building of more affordable housing for people to buy or rent in England? Base: 790 adults aged 16+ across England 13 March-1 April 2015 It is estimated by Cambridge University that England needs to build around 240,000 new homes a year to keep pace with demand. This number of homes has not been built in any single year since the 1970s. During this time, private house builders have never built more than 175,000 homes a year. % support Question asked with preamble 54 26 20 47 27 25 % neither support/oppose % oppose 39
  • 40. @BenM_IM Movement not moment Supply, agency, strategy Good luck!

Internet leads are quicksand for your brokerage

Internet leads are quicksand for your brokerage

Providing your agents an endless flow of internet leads can come at a high cost to your profitability, brand and agent satistfaction. See how brokerages achieve better results within their own sphere of influence
Published in: Real Estate

Top 5 April Fool's Day Tech

Top 5 April Fool's Day Tech

April Fool's Day SlideShare looking at 5 of the most outrageous technology "products" being offered to consumers in 2015 from companies like Google & Microsoft...


  • 1. April Fool’s Day Top 5 2015 April Fool’s Tech
  • 2. Microsoft’s MS-DOS Mobile There’s all this talk nowadays about new services such as Cloud Computing, Facial Recognition Software & Augmented vs. Virtual Reality… It all sounds like a SCAM to me… And for others just like myself, now there’s MS-DOS Mobile. Now we can finally get back to the “good ol’ days” without losing productivity!
  • 3. Google’s Pac-Man Maps Last year, users of Google Maps were surprised to see Pokémon popping up around their destinations… This year, Google Maps has been tweaked for April Fools Day once again, and now you can play the popular arcade game using the streets of your own neighborhood! Just click the “Pac-Man” button in the bottom-left of your screen to play.
  • 4. Samsung Galaxy Blade Edge The world’s first SmartKnife The Samsung Galaxy Blade Edge increases your chopping speed by up to 50 percent! Slide in your SmartPhone and the Blade Edge will analyze your grip, dexterity and strength to make cooking more efficient. The Blade Edge uses KNOX Security and advanced bio-metrics to record your imprint; and a finger-detection mechanism will force the blade to retract if it comes too close to contact.
  • 5. Miz Mooz’ SelfieShoe With bans on “Selfie Sticks” reaching an all time high, Miz Mooz has decided to do what all shoe-makers should have done a long time ago… The SelfieShoe is just that, a shoe in which you dock your SmartPhone, lift your leg, pose & take the perfect shot.
  • 6. Dominos’ Domi-NO-Driver Amazon’s got drones, so why can’t Dominos have autonomous pizza delivery vehicles? Jumping on the bandwagon started by Google, Dominos’ own “driver-less car” will use onboard sensors to detect and navigate around obstacles to find the most efficient route to hungry customers. And as a bonus…because there’s no driver, the vehicle can carry FOUR TIMES more pizza!
  • 7. Visit Us Online:

3 bursting biotech stocks -- 1 to buy

3 bursting biotech stocks -- 1 to buy

The biotech industry is notorious for its pop-and-drop nature, but for risk tolerant investors there can be opportunities. For instance, these three companies are tumbling in the past month and risk tolerant investors may want to consider buying one of them. In the following slideshow I explain why these biotech companies are falling and what action investors can consider taking.
Published in: Health & Medicine


  • 1. 3 Bursting Biotech Stocks – 1 to Buy Source: Achillion Pharma
  • 2. 1. Zafgen, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZFGN) Zafgen, Inc. is a clinical stage biotechnology company researching weight loss drugs for the treatment of obesity and complex metabolic disorders, including Prader-Willi syndrome.
  • 3. Here’s What You Need To Know •Initiated phase 3 of beloranib for Prader-Willi last September. •Cash of $115.5 million (12/31). •Plus $129.5 million in January thanks to a secondary stock offering. •Lost $36.5 million in 2014 vs. $14 million loss in 2013. •Guiding for cash of $145 million exiting ‘15. •Competitive market: •Arena’s Belviq. •Vivus’ Qsymia. •Novo Nordisk’s Saxenda. •Orexigen’s Contrave. •Contrave interim cardiovascular data released March 3. •Patients taking Contrave had fewer heart attacks than patients taking a placebo. Shares are tumbled 16% in the past month.
  • 4. Fool-worthy thoughts A hyper competitive market yet to generate significant sales for any of these existing therapies and preliminary Contrave data that could be a differentiator make Zafgen too risky for me to own.
  • 5. 2. Acceleron Pharma Inc. (NASDAQ: XLRN) Acceleron is a clinical stage biotechnology company targeting the body’s ability to regulate growth and to repair tissue. Research programs include treatments for myelodysplastic syndromes, kidney disease, and kidney cancer.
  • 6. Here’s What You Need To Know •Kidney cancer data released February 28. •Dalantercept plus Inlyta: •Objective response rate of 25.0% (7/28). •Stable disease rate of 60.7% (17/28). •Median progression-free survival is 8.3 months. •Tracon Pharma also released data on February 28. •TRC105 plus Inlyta: •Objective response rate of 29% (5/17). •Stable disease rate of 59% (10/17). •Median progression-free survival is 8.4 months. Shares tumbled 18% in the past month.
  • 7. Fool-worthy thoughts Both companies beat Inlyta monotherapy ORR of 11.3% and median PFS of 4.8 months; however, investors may want to wait for later stage data that could differentiate these two competitors.
  • 8. 3. OvaScience Inc. (NASDAQ: OVAS) OvaScience is an emerging stage biotechnology company developing solutions designed to improve in vitro fertilization success rates.
  • 9. Here’s What You Need To Know •Data for Augment in- vitro solution presented March 26th. •Data broadly positive. •Up to 53% IVF success in tough to treat cases. •Sell-off on confusion over comparing data to: •All IVF patients vs. tough-to-treat. •Clinical pregnancy rate vs. chemical pregnancy success rates. Shares tumbled 25.8% in the past month.
  • 10. Fool-worthy thoughts Augment stacks up well in tough- to-treat cases, suggesting this could be an opportunity for long-term risk-tolerant investors to buy.
  • 11. Six stock picks poised for incredible growthSix stock picks poised for incredible growthSix stock picks poised for incredible growth This $19 trillion industry could destroy the Internet and it could make you wildly rich.

5 Megatrends in Energy

5 Megatrends in Energy

The energy industry is known for its cyclicality. However, underlying the recent down cycle are five mega trends that could lead to very robust returns for investors in the decades ahead.
Published in: EnvironmentEconomy & Finance


  • 1. 5 Megatrends in Energy Photo credit: Flickr user Oregon Department of Transportation Photo credit: Flickr user Jo.sau Photo credit: Flickr user Nicholas A. Tonelli Photo credit: Flickr user Ken Hodge Photo credit: Flickr user Eli Christman
  • 2. The sun isn’t setting on energy Over the past year, demand growth for oil has weakened, sending its price down 50%. However, overall energy demand in the future is still expected to be robust, with low oil prices today potentially creating new oil demand in the years ahead. Oil, however, is just one of the megatrends in energy that are expected to play out over the next few decades. Photo credit: Flickr user Jonathan C. Wheeler
  • 3. No. 1: The oil megatrend Driven by diesel consumption in emerging markets Source: Exxon Mobil Corporation
  • 4. No. 1: The oil megatrend • The world currently uses 90 million barrels of oil per day • By 2035, demand is expected to swell to over 100 million barrels per day • This growth will be largely driven by demand for diesel in places like China, Mexico, and Turkey • To meet this demand, global energy companies will need to invest $12 trillion by 2035 Despite the headwinds from fuel efficiency, demand for oil is expected to grow 0.8% per year
  • 5. No. 1: The oil megatrend • Big oil: ExxonMobil (NYSE: XOM) and Chevron (NYSE: CVX) • U.S. Independents: ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP), Devon Energy (NYSE: DVN), and EOG Resources (NYSE: EOG) • Service providers: National Oilwell Varco (NYSE: NOV), Schlumberger (NYSE: SLB), and Halliburton (NYSE: HAL) Investment ideas:
  • 6. No. 2: The fuel efficiency megatrend Growth for oil would be even higher if it wasn’t for fuel efficiency trends in developed nations Source: Exxon Mobil Corporation
  • 7. No. 2: The fuel efficiency megatrend • In the U.S., CAFE standards are gradually increasing to a goal of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025 • The rise of hybrid technology and EVs are also helping to reduce gasoline demand in the developed world A combination of high oil prices, environmental concerns, and energy security is leading to more efficient use of energy in developed countries
  • 8. No. 2: The fuel efficiency megatrend • Energy efficient automakers: Ford (NYSE: F) and General Motors (NYSE: GM) • Electric vehicles: Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) Investment ideas:
  • 9. No. 3: The natural gas megatrend Shale gas for the U.S. is a game-changer. Cheap natural gas is creating new demand and new markets Source: Kinder Morgan Inc.
  • 10. No. 3: The natural gas megatrend • Natural gas production in the U.S. is expected to grow by more than 40% over the next decade • This will not only fuel growing demand in the power and industrial segments, but it will also open the door for exports Hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling unlocked a more than 100-year supply of natural gas in the U.S.
  • 11. No. 3: The natural gas megatrend • Domestic pure-play natural gas producers: Chesapeake Energy (NYSE: CHK) and Southwestern Energy (NYSE: SWN) • Pipelines companies: Kinder Morgan (NYSE: KMI), Williams Partners (NYSE: WPZ), and Energy Transfer Partners (NYSE: ETP) Investment ideas:
  • 12. No. 4: The LNG megatrend The shale gas boom in the U.S. along with growing demand for gas in Asia and Europe are expected to fuel a booming LNG market Source: Cheniere Energy
  • 13. No. 4: The LNG megatrend • Over the next decade, demand for LNG is expected to grow 5.7% per year • This is as worldwide natural gas demand is expected to grow by 1.6% per year, which is well above the average growth rate for energy demand of 1% • This growth will be supplied by surging shale gas production in North America along with growing offshore gas output from recent discoveries in Australia, Africa, and the Middle East Energy security concerns in Europe along with environmental worries in Asia Pacific will lead to strong LNG demand over the next decade
  • 14. No. 4: The LNG megatrend • Pure-play U.S. LNG exporters: Cheniere Energy (NYSEMKT: LNG) • Global LNG leaders: Chevron (NYSE: CVX), Exxon Mobil (NYSE: XOM), and Royal Dutch Shell (NYSE: RDS-A) Investment ideas:
  • 15. No. 5: The renewables megatrend Renewable energy is expected to take share in the electric generation market in the years ahead Source: EIA
  • 16. No. 5: The renewables megatrend • The U.S. Energy Information Administrations expects renewable power’s share of U.S. electricity generation to grow from 13% in 2013 to 18% by 2040 • Globally solar, wind, and biofuel demand is expected to grow by 5.8% per year, well outpacing overall energy demand growth of 1% per year Energy security concerns along with a focus to become less carbon-intense is expected to lead to strong growth in renewable power generation
  • 17. No. 5: The renewables megatrend • Solar companies: SunPower (NASDAQ: SPWR) and Solar City (NASDAQ: SCTY) • Utilities: NextEra Energy (NYSE: NEE) • Yieldcos: Brookfield Renewable Power (NYSE: BREP) and NRG Yield (NYSE: NYLD) Investment ideas:
  • 18. The sun isn’t setting on energy While demand might ebb and flow, the overall trend in energy is that demand is going higher. That’s creating five distinct megatrends that could generate a lot of profits for investors in the decades ahead. Photo credit: Flickr user Jonathan C. Wheeler
  • 19. This $19 trillion industry could destroy the Internet One bleeding-edge technology is about to put the World Wide Web to bed. And if you act right away, it could make you wildly rich. Experts are calling it the single largest business opportunity in the history of capitalism... The Economist is calling it "transformative"... But you'll probably just call it "how I made my millions." Don't be too late to the party -- click below for one stock to own when the Web goes dark.