Monday, April 27, 2015

#MobileRocks @ Mobile West Africa Conference, Lagos 2015

#MobileRocks @ Mobile West Africa Conference, Lagos 2015

Deep dive into the West African Mobile Consumer. Brand new research from FlashPanel a new audience insights platform by Silverstone.
Published in: MobileMarketing


  • 1. #MobileRocks the Consumer Snapshot view of the how to make the most of the mobile consumer with INTEGRATED MOBILE MARKETING. Raymond Buckle, Silverstone @HelloMobile April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 1
  • 2. In 20 minutes… 1. Run through some stats 2. Share some mobile consumer insights 3. Step through our mobile marketing strategy playbook 4. Share some case studies and make some waves April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 2
  • 3. …or take a short cut: 1. Almost everyone has access to a cellphone in their household 2. Mobile IS as close as you can get to the West African Consumer 3. Marketers not integrating mobile as an always on platform to engage consumers are missing out 4. Audience, Attention, Engagement, Data and Airtime is THE CURRENCY 5. There is still an opportunity for Operators to play in mobile advertising - engagement April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 3
  • 4. GSMA Millward Brown GfK Pew Research StatCounter flashpanel April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 4 We pooled some West African research Ryan Smit Analytics Director SilverstoneCIS Raymond Buckle Group CEO SilverstoneCIS
  • 5. GSMA Mobile Economy Report Sub-Saharan Africa 2014 April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 5
  • 6. PEW Research CELL PHONES IN AFRICA: COMMUNICATION LIFELINE April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 6
  • 7. StatCounter Internet Traffic Statistics Stats are based on aggregate data collected by StatCounter on a sample exceeding 15 billion pageviews per month collected from across the StatCounter network of more than 3 million websites. April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 7
  • 8. GfK - Nigeria Handset Sales NIGERIA SALES DATA April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 8
  • 9. Marketing to a multi-screen world From Millward Brown’s AdReaction 2014 Study April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 9
  • 10. West Africa Mobile Survey Preliminary results of a survey on mobile usage of Facebook users in Ghana and Nigeria. April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 10
  • 11. Unique Subscriber Penetration West Africa still trails other African countries in terms of unique subscriber penetration, with Nigeria coming in just under 50%. Almost every economically active African can be reached with a Cellphone in their household. April 2015 11Source: GSMA Mobile Economy Sub-Saharan Africa 2014@HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions
  • 12. For the west Africa region, the forecast is that by 2020 unique subscribers will amount to 215m, 54% of the population at that time. That’s an additional 50m subscribers in 5 years for the region. April 2015 12 Unique Subscribers across West Africa Source: GSMA Mobile Economy Sub-Saharan Africa 2014@HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions Add 50 million uniques
  • 13. Cell phone ownership has surged across Africa, with 89% of Nigerians, and 83% of Ghanaians, owning a cellphone. Nigeria has a smartphone penetration of about 27%, while Ghana’s is at about 14%. April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 13 Cell Phone Ownership Surges in Africa Source: Pew Research Center
  • 14. Smartphone connections are set to more than triple in the next 5 years from around 45m in 2015 to around 230m by 2020. April 2015 14 Smartphone Connections Across West Africa Source: GSMA Mobile Economy Sub-Saharan Africa 2014@HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 185m smartphones to be sold
  • 15. Smartphone Sales Increase Strongly in Nigeria Smartphone sales increased from 17% during 2013 to 25% in 2014, while phablets accounted for only 1% of sales. 83% 17% 0% 74% 25% 1% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% MOBILEPHONE SMARTPHONE PHABLET HANDSET SALES BY TYPE Jan 13-Dec 13 Jan 14-Dec 14 April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 15 Source: GfK Handset Data 2013 - 2014
  • 16. Nigerians are spending slightly more on handsets The percentage of devices sold for less than $100 dollars has decreased in Nigeria from 85% in 2013 to 80% in 2014. 43% 42% 5% 6% 4% 42% 38% 8% 9% 4% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 15 - 30 USD 30 - 100 USD 100 - 200 USD 200 - 500 USD 500 USD NIGERIAN HANDSET SALES BY PRICE BRACKET Jan 13-Dec 13 Jan 14-Dec 14 April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 16 Source: GfK Handset Data 2013 - 2014
  • 17. Android Handset Market Share Almost Doubles Android handset market share has almost doubled from 9% to 17%, and now accounts for around 68% of all smartphones sold in Nigeria. 9% 17% 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% Jan 13-Dec 13 Jan 14-Dec 14 NIGERIA - ANDROID HANDSET MARKET SHARE April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 17 Source: GfK Handset Data 2013 - 2014
  • 18. OS - Nigeria Symbian has obviously declined, with the significant rise of Android devices June 2014 Commercial in Confidence. All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 18 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 3 4 6 10 10 11 19 22 28 32 38 41 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Symbian Android BlackBerry OS Samsung Nokia Unknown Windows Phone iOS Unknown Other
  • 19. The technology mix in West Africa is still primarily 2G, but by 2020 3G should account for more than 50% of the active subscribers in West Africa. Heavy web and app experiences simply won’t work in Africa. April 2015 19 Technology Mix Across West Africa Source: GSMA Mobile Economy Sub-Saharan Africa 2014@HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions
  • 20. April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 20 Mobile internet has taken over from desktop internet in West Africa 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Share of internet traffic - Ghana Desktop Mobile 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Share of internet traffic - Côte d’Ivoire Desktop Mobile 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Share of internet traffic - Nigeria Mobile Desktop Inflection Q4 2011 Inflection Q3 2013 Inflection Q4 2013
  • 21. According to the latest research by Pew among a few African countries, those that own a smartphone more likely to be younger, educate and English speaking. April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 21 Younger, Educated and English-Speaking Africans More Likely to Own Smartphone Source: Pew Research Center
  • 22. In terms of cell phone activities, Nigerians are most active on social networks, and also use their devices frequently to get political news. East Africans are still far more likely to make and receive payments on their cell phones. April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 22 Cellphone Activities Source: Pew Research Center
  • 23. South Africa Nigeria Kenya 193 minutes 43% of media time
  • 24. @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions Time spent across devices each day According to Millward Brown, the global average time spent per day per device is 417 minutes, with the most time spent on a device being on a smartphone (147 minutes). Nigerian spend the most time globally on their smartphones, averaging 193 minutes! April 2015 25Source: Millward Brown AdReaction 2014
  • 25. @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions Marketing Receptivity In terms of marketing receptivity (favourability and attention) Nigerians are most receptive globally across all devices except only for on tablets, where Kenya are slightly more receptive. April 2015 26Source: Millward Brown AdReaction 2014
  • 26. @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions Advertising Opportunity By combining marketing receptivity and the amount of time spent per device, it is clear that Nigeria (and Kenya) are very good opportunities for marketers to target consumers, and through smartphones specifically. April 2015 27Source: Millward Brown AdReaction 2014
  • 27. April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 28 Mobile Consumer – West Africa Age Education LocationGender Lifestage Demographic Indicators Interests HobbiesAttitudes Aspirations Campaign Behaviour Behavioural Indicators Overall Spend Voice Usage Data UsagePrepaid vs Contract Device Type Usage Indicators Who are they? How many – how big is the market? How do you reach them? What’s the opportunity for marketers?
  • 28. Age and Gender Through a new mobile insights platform called Flashpanel – we ran a survey among Ghanaian and Nigeria mobile web users. The sample is predominantly young and male. Operators and publishers who want to participate can get involved. April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 29 4% 13% 17% 27% 16% 2% 2% 2% 8% 7% 0% 2% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 1: Under 18 2: 18 - 21 3: 22 - 24 4: 25 - 34 5: 35 - 44 6: 45 - 54 AGE & GENDER Male Female
  • 29. Cellphone Ownership April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 30 17% 11% 10% 20% 17% 10% 6% 3% 3% 3% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 # OF CELLPHONES IN THE HOUSEHOLD The vast majority of our respondents are on prepaid, and the median number of cell phones per household is 4. 15% 85% CELL OWNERSHIP Postpaid (Contract) PrePaid
  • 30. Education & Occupation While 20% of the sample reported having no formal education yet, 40% had a university education. Most are either employed or currently studying. April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 31 20% 5% 28% 7% 35% 5% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% No formal education Primary Secondary (High School) Trade School / Technical College Undergraduate Degree Postgraduate Degree LEVEL OF EDUCATION 9% 28% 14% 4% 46% 0% 20% 40% 60% Business Owner Employed Full Time Employed Part Time Freelancer Not employed EMPLOYMENT STATUS 42% 12% 23% 14% 9% 0% 20% 40% 60% A full time tertiary student A Homemaker A scholar (primary or high school) Retired Unemployed NOT EMPLOYED REASON
  • 31. Income Levels Income levels across the sample are low, with 68% of respondents earning less than $200, while household income is generally less than $1000 per month. April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 32 68% 13% 18% 11% 3% 3% 2% 3% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% < $200 pm. $201 to $500 pm. $501 to $750 pm. $751 to $1,000 pm. $1,001 to $1,500 pm. $1,501 to $2,500 pm. $2,501 to $5,000 pm. > $5,000 pm. PERSONAL INCOME 35% 24% 17% 11% 2% 3% 3% 6% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% < $200 pm. $201 to $500 pm. $501 to $750 pm. $751 to $1,000 pm. $1,001 to $1,500 pm. $1,501 to $2,500 pm. $2,501 to $5,000 pm. > $5,000 pm. HOUSEHOLD INCOME
  • 32. Appliances & Electronics in the Household April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 33 0% 50% 100% 150% Satellite Navigator Gaming Console Hi-fi Music Centre Digital Video Camera Tablet Home Theatre System iPod / MP3 Player Satellite TV / Dish Digital Camera DVD / Blue Ray Player Desktop / Laptop Television ELECTRONICS IN THE HOUSEHOLD Almost everyone interviewed had TV and a Fridge, while 78% also reported having a PC in their household. Washing machine, dryer and tablet PCs are less common. 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Trash Compactor Solar Geyser Clothes Dryer Washing Machine Induction Cookers Vacuum Cleaner Home Security System Deep Freezer Air Conditioner Microwave Oven Water Heater / Geyser Refrigerator Kitchen Stove Fridge APPLIANCES IN THE HOUSEHOLD
  • 33. Cellphone Activities Almost everyone reported browsing the internet on their cell phones, while only 68% said that they do “Social networking” at least once a month. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% CELLPHONE ACTIVITIES (AT LEAST MONTHLY) April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 34
  • 34. Cellphone App Usage In terms of applications, Social networking apps are the most popular, followed by chat / IM applications and games. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% APPLICATION TYPE USAGE April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 35
  • 35. Application Usage 98% of users reported using Facebook, and 76% using Whatsapp, which shows that many consumers do not understand terms like “Social Networking” and “Instant Messaging” 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Xender Konga Jumia Candy Crush WeChat BBM 2GO Instagram Viber OLX Skype Twitter YouTube Facebook Messenger Gmail WhatsApp Facebook APPLICATION USAGE April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 36
  • 36. Other Media Usage Almost everyone interviewed watches TV, and most listen to the radio for under an hour a day. Over half said they read magazines for at least an hour a day. April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 37 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0. None 1. Under 1 Hour 2. 1-2 Hours 3. 2-3 Hours 4. 3-4 Hours 5. More than 4 Hours TIME SPENT WATCHING TV 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0. None 1. Under 1 Hour 2. 1-2 Hours 3. 2-3 Hours 4. 3-4 Hours 5. More than 4 Hours TIME SPENT LISTENING TO THE RADIO 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0. None 1. Under 1 Hour 2. 1-2 Hours 3. 2-3 Hours 4. 3-4 Hours 5. More than 4 Hours TIME SPENT READING MAGAZINES
  • 37. Computer Ownership & Home Internet Most of the people we have interviewed so far have a computer (83%) and of those, 86% say they access the internet on that computer. April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 38 17% 83% DO YOU HAVE A COMPUTER AT HOME? No Yes 14% 86% DO YOU HAVE ACCESS TO THE INTERNET ON THAT COMPUTER? No Yes
  • 38. Internet Access & Technology The primary means of internet access is through 3G wireless connectivity. Two thirds of people also say they access the internet at an internet café. April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 39 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 3G Wireless (HSDPA) 4G Wireless (Wimax / LTE) ADSL Dial-Up HOME INTERNET CONNECTION TYPE 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Friends house Internet Café Place of study Work WHERE ELSE DO YOU ACCESS THE INTERNET?
  • 39. Internet Activities The most popular internet activity is to download music, while browsing the internet and sending email are the next most popular. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Read Magazine Articles Stream Music Blogging Online Shopping Banking Games IM/Chat Stream Video Educational Content Search Read News Articles Social Networking Email Browse Internet Download Music INTERNET ACTIVITIES – AT LEAST MONTHLY April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 40
  • 40. Consumer Attitudes (1) Almost all consumers agreed that they like to dress well, while three- quarters said that they prefer brands that care about the environment. April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 41 53% 64% 70% 74% 77% 96% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% I am more likely to buy brands I have seen advertised I keep up with what is going on in the world I like to keep up with technology I feel optimistic about my future I prefer brands that care about the environment I like to dress well CONSUMER ATTITUDES
  • 41. Consumer Attitudes (2) Most West African consumers say that being part of a community is important to them, while 25% said that they felt their were too many foreigners in the country. April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 42 15% 25% 46% 54% 56% 60% 77% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% A woman’s place is in the home, not at work There are too many foreigners in my country You need to be well educated to be successful Things were better in my country 10 years ago Crime is getting worse in my country My culture is being lost because of globalization Being part of a community is important to me CONSUMER ATTITUDES
  • 42. African Consumerism – the next billion!! Increasing spending power takes brands from the high street to the back street. A new kind of consumer is emerging: valuing presentation, branding and consistency
  • 43.  More Educated  More Confident and Secure  Live in Smaller Family Units  More than 50% of households with discretionary spending power by 2020  it’s a cash based economy – cars are bought cash – imagine what growth credit will allow April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 44 New Class of Consumer
  • 44. Brand Head-to-Heads Coke is the most popular cola, Nike is the top sport brand, Google is preferred to Microsoft’s brand, and there is not much between Apple, Microsoft and Samsung. April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 45 COLA DRINKS Coke Pepsi SPORTSWEAR Adidas Nike Puma Reebok TECHNOLOGY Apple Microsoft Samsung INTERNET GIANTS Google Microsoft
  • 45. Brand Head-to-Heads West African appear to prefer McDonalds over KFC, Mercedes and BMWs over Audis, Toyotas are the top eastern car brand, and Canon is much more preferred to Nikon. April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 46 FAST FOOD GIANTS KFC McDonalds GERMAN CARS Audi BMW Mercedes EASTERN CARS Honda Hyundai Kia Toyota CAMERA BRANDS Canon Nikon
  • 46. Brand Head-to-Heads West Africans prefer PlayStation over Xbox, Ferrari over Lamborghini, MasterCard over VISA and Total over Shell and BP. April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 47 GAMING CONSOLES Playstation Xbox SUPERCARS Ferrari Lamborghini CREDIT CARDS Mastercard Visa OIL COMPANIES BP Shell Total
  • 47. So how do you integrate mobile into the mix? April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 48
  • 48. In the Challenge lies the Opportunity… 1. How do you efficiently acquire new customers in South Africa and Africa? 2. How do you develop a relationship and engage customers outside of traditional media – leveraging activation, service, mobile and social channels seamlessly? 3. How do you retain customers, deliver value and build loyalty to combat churn – cost effectively? Dec 2014 Commercial in Confidence. All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 49
  • 49. MaxAxion (a Silverstone group company), offers brand and marketing stakeholders the opportunity to reach their target audience with the best return on investment through programmatic, RTB and performance driven mobile media. Together we specialise in building and monetizing integrated ‘mobile first’ brand communities to develop meaningful relationships with your prospective, new and existing customers, employees or stakeholders. About Us Established in 1996, Silverstone is an award-winning Creative Interactive Solutions group with international credentials in the development of online and mobile communications, marketing and business solutions. Silverstone helps brands and organisations to connect and engage with their audiences across mobile, social and digital channels. Dec 2014 Commercial in Confidence. All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 50
  • 50. We believe in a Strategic Approach 1. The Audience is Mobile, not just the device 2. Africa is Mobile First but all devices are not equal 3. Consumers are social 4. Campaigns drive engagement, and engagement builds relationships 5. “Always on” Relationships lead to conversions 6. Loyalty deserves Rewards and Rewards can come in different forms and funded in many ways Dec 2014 Commercial in Confidence. All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 51
  • 51. Integrated multi-channel mixed media activation, engagement and response Mobile Call to Action Mobile and Digital Touch Points Mobile Messaging Mobile Media Mobile Rewards Lets go Multi-Channel Social Mobile… Localised campaign driven by mobile, social and web to drive consumer awareness, engagement and amplification. Dec 2014 Commercial in Confidence. All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 52 Brand
  • 52. Mobile, Social & Digital Opportunity Provide a turnkey plug-in framework to support traditional and promotional marketing roll-out including: • Digital Touch Points • Traditional Media Amplification • Mobile and Social Media • Community Management with content and engagement marketing Support and amplify achievement of core objectives: 1. Improve & Strengthen Equity 2. Increased Awareness 3. Drive Brand Engagement 4. Drive Product Trial and Use 5. Create Demand and Educate Consumers about Services and Brand Dec 2014 Commercial in Confidence. All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 53 Digital Touch Points • SMS Short Code • USSD • Mobile Web • Desktop Web • Social (FB + Twitter) • Promoter App Mobile & Social Media • Text & Voice Ads • Mobile Ads • Social Ads Traditional Media Amplification • SMS Call to Action • Flash Messaging • Promotion Tools Content and Engagement Marketing • Competitions & Promotions • Recipes & Interest Based Content • Community & CRM Communication • Trial and Buy Vouchers • User Generated Content Moderation • Audience and Content Management Brand
  • 53. Dec 2014 Commercial in Confidence. All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 54 Build Relationships & Conversation … Go from Campaigns to Always On ProfileAcquire • ATL Media • Promotion • Digital • Pack/POS/ POP • Community • Social • Direct Comms Push and Pull Segment Engage • Special Content • Products • User Generated • Social • Comps • Utility Opt-in • Communication • Promotions • Special Interest • Using Cell/Email • Social Connect thru Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn Promote (pull) SellRewardInfluence Inform & Entertain Conversation Campaign Always On • Campaigns / Themes • Products & Sales • Social, Activation & Events • Interest Content - Stories
  • 54. Strategic Media Execution & Mobile Integration Framework Word Of Mouth Allow them to tell someone and get rewarded •Gift •Refer / Invite •Rate / Review •Share / Tweet •Like / Follow Recruit ambassadors •Of Passions •Of Programmes •Of Brands •Of Channels Tell / Reward Mobile Coupons •Personalised Codes •Real-time Redemption Tracking •Discounts •Bundled Products •Triggered Rules Gift •Send a coupon to a Friend •Free Trial •Affinity Products Reward •Points •Airtime •Vouchers Trial / Buy Owned Media Properties Communities of Interest •Girls •Students •Professionals •Singles •Fashion & Beauty Fanatics •Newly Weds •Moms Virtual Brand Community •Opt-in Permission •Profiling •Re-targeting •Cross Selling Social CRM Engage Use Mobile media •Text Tags •Mxit (ZA) •Display with Device Targeting •Direct messaging •Social CRM •Voice In Stream •Media Partners •Tenancies •Sponsored Content Value Adding Content •Aligned to Passions, Aspirations, Interests & Needs Reach Add mobile call to action to traditional media •TV •Radio •OOH •On Pack •POS Build an Audience and Customer Database Integrate Touch Points Amplify TrialConsiderationAwareness Use Track & Measure 1> Add Mobile Touch Points: • SMS Short Code • USSD String • Mobile Site with Campaign Micro Sections (F/SD) • Mobilised Facebook App • Mxit Bot • Localised Web Micro Site • Rich Media Extensions 2> Add a Mobile Call to Action: Mobile Touch Points: • SMS Keyword to Short Code • Dial a USSD String • Go to Mobile Site • Go to Facebook • Follow Mxit Bot • Tweet @ or #tag • QR Code • Download App 3> Add Mobile Messaging: • SMS • MMS • USSD Push • Smart Message • App Push • Mobile Email • Direct Social Message • Social Post • Mobile Coupon 4> Add Mobile Media: • Text Tags • Mxit (ZA) • Display Ads with Device Targeting • Direct messaging • Social CRM Views Clicks Uniques Opt-ins Actions Vouchers Sales Share/Posts By &DSTV on Brand Dec 2014 Commercial in Confidence. All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 55
  • 55. Delivers Integrated User Journeys Add … • Call 2 Action to traditional media • Mobile touch points for all types of mobile users • Brand Community mind set • Mobile media • Direct marketing to opted in DB • Vouchers to drive trial/buy in online and real world retail environments • Unique codes to product to verify purchase • Sales/Service Call Centre Integration to close the loop • Brand funded Smart Messaging as a ubiquitous companion and an alternative to channels like SMS, IVR and USSD Dec 2014 Commercial in Confidence. All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 56 Facebook App Mxit Bot/App Welcome to the Community. 1> Register 2> Log a purchase 3> Get Vouchers 4> Gift Vouchers 5> Competitions 6> Contact us 7> T&Cs 8> Exit USSD *120*34747# USSD App Brand SMS 34747 Short Code Welcome to the Community. To continue please click here: d/12345 or dial *120*34747# SMS: Reply/Triggered Mobi Site Register Product Range Log a Purchase Get and Gift a Voucher Sponsorship Campaign Competitions Find an event near you Scan Mags QR Code Olay micro web (geo detection prevents e.g. vouchers to display in territories where not applicable) Register Product Range Log a Purchase Get and Gift a Voucher Tips and Tricks Competitions Find an event near you Follow Nedbank Sponsorship Campaign Interest Segment Soft Cost Call to Action on: • TV • Radio • Print • OOH • POS • Pack Paid Mobile Media: • Display with targeting • Apps Display • Apps Push • Text Tags • SMS/MMS/ Email Direct Marketing to Opted In DBs • CRM Messaging • Social Ads • In Stream Partner Media Triggered/CRM SMS Paid Digital Media: • Display • Rich Media • In Stream Partner Media • Social Ads Triggered/ CRMEmail Earned Media: Track & Measure Views Touch/Clicks Uniques Opt-ins Actions Vouchers Lead/ Sales Share/Posts By & Welcome to the Campaign. 1> Register 2> Log a purchase 3> Get Vouchers 4> Gift Vouchers 5> Competitions 6> Contact us 7> T&Cs 8> Exit IVR *120*34747# Voice (IVR) App Audio clip sent to user… Press 1 to engage AVM 34747 Audio Clip DB Call Centre Brand Brand
  • 56. OpenWRX… Integrated Brand and Publisher Community Engagement Platform Delivers… • Multi-Channel • Multi-purpose • Integrated Single point of management for: • Messaging • Content • Audience • Engagement • Social Dec 2014 Commercial in Confidence. All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 57 Value Chain / Partner Brands Partners Channel … Core Brands …Brand Consumer Touch Points BrandSwitch Services • Engage • Discover • Contribute • Share • Request • Register • Manage • Subscribe • Redeem • Service • Earn/Burn • Learn Bearers • SMS • MMS • Email • RSS • USSD • Push • Post • @direct • #tags • … • .. Integrated Brand Community Management Platform BCEP Campaigns Audience Content Services Always On Interaction x Brand Engagement Switch
  • 57. Dec 2014 Commercial in Confidence. All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 58 2014 MMA Smarties Awards
  • 58. A fresh mobile interest and lifestyle digital content network established in partnership with Microsoft Mobile Devices aka Nokia. It consists of a gateway app and extends into a network of associated mini-apps featuring collaborative multi-brand content, engagement mechanics and advertising messages. Community members register and opt-in once anywhere in the network and are organically profiled continuously to enable targeted content delivery and messaging. The scope of the LumiaLiving audience footprint extends across multiple digital channels such as mobile, social and email - it reaches countries in the Sub-Saharan Africa region. Oct 2014 Commercial in Confidence. Silverstone // Microsoft Mobile Confidential 59 secure local social always-on mobile first trusted aspirational fully managed
  • 59. Opportunities this Summer Adaptive – not responsive. Oct 2014 Commercial in Confidence. Silverstone // Microsoft Mobile Confidential 60
  • 60. Oct 2014 Commercial in Confidence. Silverstone // Microsoft Mobile Confidential 61 Example Micro Communities
  • 61. Oct 2014 Commercial in Confidence. Silverstone // Microsoft Mobile Confidential 62 Example Xbox Segment on LumiaLiving
  • 62. Lets go Multi-Channel Social Mobile… on DigicelMORE Localised campaigns driven by integrated mobile, social and web to an always on platform designed to drive consumer and value chain engagement and awareness. Apr-15 Commercial in Confidence. Silverstone // Digicel Confidential 63 advocacy So-Mo media unified audience Contextual content Contextual content Rich Engagement Behavioural profiling Surveys Loyalty and Rewards Triggered Messaging Integrated Campaigns
  • 63. Requires a unified identity layer with multi-channel communication & Multi-dimensional profiling and segmentation Apr-15 Commercial in Confidence. Silverstone // Digicel Confidential 64 Integrated Audience Profiling and Segmentation Geographic •Provinces •Regions / Cities •Suburbs / Postal Codes •Urban / Rural •Climate •Proximity Demographic •Gender •Age •Education •Occupation •Income •Marital status •Household size •Ethnicity •Phone Type Psychographic •Personality traits •Attitudes •Beliefs •Values •Lifestyles •Life Stage •Phone Type Behavioral •Usage situations •Usage frequency •Benefits sought •Loyalty level •Buying responses •Propensity Models Segmentation / Community Interest Groups Passions Interests Aspirations Needs Location Social Context Preferences
  • 64. Tweet #MobileRocks @HelloMobile to get the presentation… Operators and Publishers get involved to profile the West African mobile Consumer… April 2015 @HelloMobile All Rights Reserved Silverstone.Solutions 65