Friday, May 15, 2015

Sketchnotes-SF Meetup :: Round 17 :: People & Faces [Wed Apr 29, 2015]

Sketchnotes-SF Meetup :: Round 17 :: People & Faces [Wed Apr 29, 2015]

Deck from the Sketchnotes-SF meetup in April at Neo []. We practiced people, scenarios and faces. We started with a quick warm-up, then jumped into rapid practice, sketching from word prompts and photo prompts. We shared work at a collaborative critique and learned a lot from each other. The evening wrapped up with links to resources to explore.

Details on the meetup at:
Published in: DesignEducation


  • 1. SKETCHNOTES-SF : MEETUP | APR 29, 2015 Sketchnotes-SFWelcome! Tonight’s topic: People & Faces @sketchnotesSF
  • 2. SKETCHNOTES-SF : MEETUP | APR 29, 2015 thanks to our hosts @neoinnovate
  • 3. SKETCHNOTES-SF : MEETUP | APR 29, 2015 • Warm-up • Rapid rounds - tooth people - star people - expressions - faces + gallery & critique what we’ll do
  • 4. SKETCHNOTES-SF : MEETUP | APR 29, 2015
  • 5. SKETCHNOTES-SF : MEETUP | APR 29, 2015 intro People & faces What do we want to learn?
  • 6. SKETCHNOTES-SF : MEETUP | APR 29, 2015 Gray marker or pencil Gel pens (.3 / .5 / .7) Unlined Moleskine Common materials