Thursday, June 18, 2015

12 Characteristics of A Horrible Boss

12 Characteristics of A Horrible Boss

We all have worked a job where the manager was absolutely dreadful. The type of boss that makes your job unbearable to a point where you feel like walking out during any given moment.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of horrible bosses out there and they can make even the funnest of jobs seem frightful.

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Published in: Leadership & Management


  • 2. CONTROL They need control over everything and have a problem giving that control up. 1.
  • 3. INDECISIVE Good leaders need to be able to make decisions quickly. Indecisiveness is weak. 2.
  • 4. STUBBORN When they think that they are always right, no matter what, it is bad for business. 3.
  • 5. RESISTANT Resistant to change, and they fail to understand that change is good. 4.
  • 6. MICROMANAGE They micromanage every little task, ruining their employees personal growth. 5.
  • 7. With our free book about employee engagement! LEARN HOW TO MOTIVATE GET THE FREE BOOK YOUR EMPLOYEES
  • 8. FEAR They lead by fear, and think that it is an effective way to manage. 6.
  • 9. VISIONLESS Being visionless will take you nowhere. The best leaders have a clear vision and think long term. 7.
  • 10. FAVORITISM Playing favourites will demoralize the rest of the team. 8.
  • 11. ARROGANCE It’s one of the ugliest personality traits. No one wants to hear you brag. 9.
  • 12. LEARN HOW TO BE A With our free book about employee engagement! GREAT LEADER GET THE FREE BOOK
  • 13. ANGRY Walking around the office angry all the time only spread negativity among the team. 10.
  • 14. BLAME The worst leaders take all of the credit, and blame other employees for mistakes. 11.
  • 15. EMOTION They make decisions based on emotion instead of data. 12.
  • 16. Learn how to improve employee engagement in our latest book “The 10 Essential Pillars Of Employee Engagement”: GET THE FREE BOOK LEARN HOW TO BE A GREAT BOSS
  • 17. HAVE YOU EVER HAD A HORRIBLE BOSS? let us know your thoughts on Twitter @Officevibe
  • 18. THANKS!