Melissa Keroack: Why You Should Stretch
- 1. W H Y Y O U S H O U L D S T R E T C H M E L I S S A K E R O A C K :
- 2. • Stretching on a regular basis is just as important as getting an adequate amount of exercise per week. • However, most people tend to overlook the importance of stretching and will skip it completely, thinking that it will do little to improve their fitness.
- 3. • Stretching should be included with every workout, and can even substitute a workout if your body needs it. • Here are some reasons why you should stretch more and make it a part of your everyday routine…
- 4. • First, let’s talk about why stretching is good for your body. • To start with, it helps improve your flexibility and in turn increases your range of motion. • This is particularly important for athletes who need to make sure their flexibility levels are high so that their chances of injuring a muscle decrease.
- 5. • Stretching also increases your posture because it lengthens tight muscles that tend to pull areas of the body away from their original intended position. • In addition, stretching helps increase blood and nutrient supply to your muscles, which can reduce muscle soreness significantly.
- 6. • Stretching is not only beneficial for you physically, but it is also proven to have positive effects for your mind. • Stretching for just 10 to 15 minutes per day can help calm your mind and give your body a chance to recharge.
- 7. Many yoga and pilates classes incorporate stretching with strength and mind exercises that allow you to release physical and mental tension while also helping you increase your flexibility levels.
- 8. H E R E A R E S O M E T H I N G S T O K E E P I N M I N D A S Y O U T H I N K A B O U T S T R E T C H I N G R E G U L A R LY: • Though many people think that stretching should be done before a workout, it is important that you stretch after a workout when your muscles are warmed up. • Focus on muscles that need the most help - spend a longer amount of time stretching muscles that you can feel are tight or more prone to injury • Stretch for a long period of time once a week - this can be done through an hour-long yoga class or through your own flexibility routine.
- 9. Hopefully, you will begin to implement more stretching as part of something you do on a daily basis, because it is not only good for your body, but for your mind aswell.
- 10. • Stretching is a way for you to get and stay healthier and so you can prevent yourself from getting injured. • For more information on why stretching is good for you, read this article published on