Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Digital Life of College Students

The Digital Life of College Students

A look at how the social/digital revolution may be changing the way college students understand themselves and higher education.
Published in: InternetTechnologyEducation


  • 1. The Digital Life of College Students by Paul Gordon Brown paulgordonbrown@gmail.com www.paulgordonbrown.com @paulgordonbrown
  • 2. Research Impact of social and digital technology on college student’s concepts of self. Presentations - Be. Act. Do. Digital Leadership. - Digital Social Justice - What Every Digital #SApro Should Do - Engaging With Students Online and With Social Media @paulgordonbrown
  • 3. @paulgordonbrown www.paulgordonbrown.com paulgordonbrown@gmail.com
  • 4. (Turkle, 2004, para 6) “I want to study not only what the computer is doing for us, but what it is doing to us.” - Turkle
  • 5. 89% of adults 18-29 years old use social media 67% access it on mobile 98% of adults ages 18-29 are on the internet (Brenner, 2013; Brenner & Smith, 2013; Pew Internet Project, n.d.) younger generations are using the internet, social media, and mobile technologies at a high rate
  • 6. 0 25 50 75 100 Facebook Instragram Twitter Pintrest LinkedIn 23 3437 53 87 Social Media Platform Adoption (2014) 18-29 year olds Source: Pew Research Center Social Media Update 2104 @paulgordonbrown
  • 7. 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Quick to “friend” people Want to appear popular Self esteem is in part measured by likes More likely to use Facebook Communicates primarily with close friends Understands need to get on LinkedIn and make connections Facebook is for lurking and events, but not engagement @paulgordonbrown
  • 8. é Engagement é Persistence é Social Capital é Relationships é Narcissism ê Task-Switching Whattheresearchtellsus… Collegestudentsocialmedia useandoutcomes…
  • 9. Digital Identity
  • 10. confusion there’s a lot of with this word…
  • 11. “Many student affairs professionals use the term digital identity development to refer to online professional self- presentation; however, it is important to tease apart the differences between using social media as part of the exploration and development of identity and using social media to present oneself in a certain way.” (Junco, 2014, p. 257)
  • 12. “Labeling the latter digital identity development confounds a developmental process with a professional communication strategy. Furthermore, labeling online professional self-presentation digital identity development may keep the field of student affairs from more critically and deeply examining how the emerging adult identity development process is affected by online interactions.” (Junco, 2014, p. 257)
  • 13. Self Presentation A Developmental Process
  • 14. Self Presentation Some use it to refer to
  • 15. Psychological Process And conflate it with a
  • 16. digital stamp.
  • 17. digital footprints follow us.
  • 18. FROM THE WOMB! We even have digital stamps
  • 19. in here today we’ll be talking about what’s going on
  • 20. research What does the say?
  • 21. NOTHING There has been little to no qualitative research focusing on the influence of digital and social media on student development.
  • 22. You can take two points of view…
  • 23. “human development ‘remain[s] much the same from age to age and must so remain as long as human nature and physical environment existing theories modify/apply (Evans, Forney, Guido, Patton, & Renn, 2010, p. 93; Haskins, 1957) continue what they have been. In his relations to life and learning the medieval student resembled his modern successor far more than is often supposed’ (p. 93).”
  • 24. (Evans, Forney, Guido, Patton, & Renn, 2010, p. 5; Woodard, Love, & Komives, 2000) “Rapidly changing conditions within society have created dramatically different circumstances for students across time and location… student development must be considered in light of these changing scenarios.” develop new theories
  • 25. “The major achievement of normal development was a firm and fixed ‘sense of identity’” - Gergen Traditional theories held that… (Gergen, 2000, p. 41)
  • 26. self authorship (Baxter Magolda 1999, 2001; Kegan, 1994) inner identity (Erikson, 1968; Erikson, 1980) identity resolution (Marcia, 1966) identity formation (Chickering & Reisser, 1993)
  • 27. We no longer exist as playwrights or actors but as terminals of multiple networks. -Baudrillard (Baudrillard, 1987/2012, p. 23)
  • 28. BLURRYHYBRIDIZED SATURATED The online profile “is and is not the user.” (Martínez Alemán & Lynk Wartman, 2009, p. 23) a “rupture” or “a series of decisive far-reaching breaks from the past” (Bloland, 2005, p. 125) an “implosion” or a collapse of boundaries (Baudrillard, 1981/1995) “singularity… a future period during which the pace of technological change will be so rapid, its impact so deep, that human life will be irreversibly transformed” (Kurzweil, 2005)
  • 29. “At one time it seemed to refer to a conscious sense of individual uniqueness, at another to an unconscious striving for a continuity of experience, and at a third, as a solidarity with a group’s ideals.” - Erikson (Erikson, 1968, p. 208) On identity…
  • 30. “In examining components of identity, we also need to consider the concept of self… Who or what is the self that observes, learns and decides? If the self is an integrated system, who is in charge of coordinating it? Who organizes the facets of personality into an integrated whole.” - Chickering & Reisser (Chickering & Reisser, 1993, p. 201)
  • 31. “The attempt in this case is to construct an ontology that replaces the vision of the bounded self as the atom of the social world.” -Gergen (Gergen, 2011, p. 112)
  • 32. Engage with students on social media because we need to understand them in all of their contexts. Understand how each social media site and tool may impact the developmental process differently by the way they are structured and used. Realize development may happen differently and at different paces in different contexts. Understand that development may be more like a theory of relativity than concrete.
  • 33. The Digital Life of College Students by Paul Gordon Brown paulgordonbrown@gmail.com www.paulgordonbrown.com @paulgordonbrown