Mobile Technology is Redefining Wellness Programs
- 1. through reasonable improvements in preventing and managing chronic disease through reasonable improvements in preventing and managing chronic disease $4Trillion $1$1TrillionTrillion Savings of over Savings of over 20232023 Employers UppingEmployers Upping Changing theChanging the Health and Wellness:Health and Wellness: Focus of EmployeeFocus of Employee Health and Wellness Why? the Ante in Employers Focused on Addressing Healthcare Costs SOURCES Frost & Sullivan research. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Accessed July 2014. Milken Institute, The Economic Burden of Chronic Disease on the United States, Accessed July 2014 Health Care Survey Finds Spending on CorporateWellness Incentives to Increase 15 Percent in 2014, Accessed July 2014 Oscar Robert, MobileTechnology:A NewTool for Curbing Employer Healthcare Costs, Corporate Wellness Magazine, July 4, 2014 William T. Riley,, Health behavior models in the age of mobile interventions: are our theories up to the task?,Translational Behavioral Medicine, March 2011, Accessed August 2014 SOURCES Frost & Sullivan research. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Accessed July 2014. Milken Institute, The Economic Burden of Chronic Disease on the United States, Accessed July 2014 Health Care Survey Finds Spending on CorporateWellness Incentives to Increase 15 Percent in 2014, Accessed July 2014 Oscar Robert, MobileTechnology:A NewTool for Curbing Employer Healthcare Costs, Corporate Wellness Magazine, July 4, 2014 William T. Riley,, Health behavior models in the age of mobile interventions: are our theories up to the task?,Translational Behavioral Medicine, March 2011, Accessed August 2014 NOTE All monetary values are in US dollars ($USD). NOTE All monetary values are in US dollars ($USD). 15%15% In 2014, employers will spend In 2014, employers will spend more on wellness-based incentives than they did in 2013 more on wellness-based incentives than they did in 2013 2X2X per-employee spending on wellness incentives per-employee spending on wellness incentives 20092009 20142014 IncreasedIncreased A preventive healthcare model depends upon employees and patients taking a proactive interest in managing their health. The more connected health solutions make use of mobile technology (e.g., smart phones, tablets, wearable devices) patients and employees have already adopted, the more successful this transition will be. A preventive healthcare model depends upon employees and patients taking a proactive interest in managing their health. The more connected health solutions make use of mobile technology (e.g., smart phones, tablets, wearable devices) patients and employees have already adopted, the more successful this transition will be. MobileMobileTECHNOLOGYTECHNOLOGY isis RedefiningRedefining WellnessWellness ProgramsPrograms Halfof all adults have a Halfof all adults have a chronic diseasechronic disease of U.S. cell phone subscribers use smartphones of U.S. cell phone subscribers use smartphones of U.S. cell phone subscribers will use smartphones of U.S. cell phone subscribers will use smartphones 90%90% 20%20% 2 3 2 3 Consumers are already using widely available technology platforms to manage their health and wellness. Consumers are already using widely available technology platforms to manage their health and wellness. Mobile devices are the perfect system to: Mobile devices are the perfect system to: The more connected health solutions make use of mobile technology that patients and employees have already adopted, the more successful this transition will be. The more connected health solutions make use of mobile technology that patients and employees have already adopted, the more successful this transition will be. Moving to mHealth withMoving to mHealth with Mobile and WearableMobile and Wearable Technology in EmployeeTechnology in Employee Wellness ProgramsWellness Programs Behavior-changing wellness programs should take advantage of mobile use and wearable popularity because they allow companies to: Behavior-changing wellness programs should take advantage of mobile use and wearable popularity because they allow companies to: Tailor content and goals to the individual Tailor content and goals to the individual Communicate all expectations clearly Communicate all expectations clearly Use biometrics to develop the baseline assessment Use biometrics to develop the baseline assessment Utilize analytics to identify risk factors Utilize analytics to identify risk factors DOWNLOAD OUR WHITE PAPER Fo cus on employee well ness (in treatment and lost productivity) (in treatment and lost productivity) The projected cost of chronic disease in The projected cost of chronic disease in From Acute Care to Prevention Communicate through consumer-friendly interfaces Communicate through consumer-friendly interfaces Prioritize prevention and early detection Prioritize prevention and early detection Increase interventionIncrease intervention 20142014 In 2014In 2014 20182018 of employees used wearables to track health improvement and fitness. of those who did not currently use a health and wellness device would use one if offered in a wellness program. Wellness programs require employees to take an active role in monitoring their health, which requires a significant change in behavior.The more engaged and empowered employees become, the more successfully they will: 42 different corporate wellness studies found that wellness programs lead to: We spend more on healthcare than coffee Healthcare costs add $1,500 to the sticker price of every automobile we make StarbucksGM Chronic disease could be reduced by as much as Chronic disease could be reduced by as much as If individuals adhered to healthy lifestyle practices. If individuals adhered to healthy lifestyle practices. 80% 1999 2009 $13,375 $5,791 Premiums for employer-sponsored health insurance rose EMPLOYER HEALTH CARE COSTS ARE INCREASING 40% deliver individualized health information monitor biometrics and activity provide support and encouragement Nearly Expansion across employee population will address those most at risk. Personalize their health maintenance experience Improve employee satisfaction with their benefits 25%25% 25%25% 32%32%reduction in absenteeism and sick leave reduction in health costs reduction in workers compensation and disability costs Decreased health benefit costs Improved productivity from healthier employees Once employees engage in these programs and commit to monitoring their health through mobile applications, employers will benefit from: Best Practices in Health and Wellness Programs Best Practices in Health and Wellness Programs