Sunday, May 3, 2015

Insights from Around the World

Insights from Around the World

When we look at data from across the Chartbeat Universe, one thing that stands out is the difference in how people from around the world engage with content—how long they spend reading, how far they scroll down the page, and which devices they use. Here’s a broad look at how visitors from different regions of the world spend their time and give their attention.
Published in: InternetData & Analytics


  • 1. E Chartbeat Insights From Around the World AVERAGE ENGAGED SECONDS Mean number of seconds people spend engaged with each article NO SCROLL Percentage of article views where the user never scrolls down the page at all 33°C UNITED STATES 28 31 27 seconds seconds ~. .». .»-nl~. UNITED STATES LATIN AMERICA WESTERN EUROPE WESTERN EUROPE 23 17"". :_. EAST ASIA seconds EAST ASIA LOYALTY SOCIAL: COMBINED Mean number of seconds users spend reading articles on an individual site in a 30 day period Percentage of all traffic coming to articles from Facebook or Twitter S E S Lu U) 118 120 139 3 5 seconds uconds '2‘_‘k, ullLI'; 8 Z L“ m +— I: ‘L E <( < O G -* % UNITED STATES LATIN AMERICA WESTERN EUROPE 0 LU E 5 Lu % 5 Lu E 6.9 153 % seconds EAST ASIA SOCIAL: BREAKDOWN PLATFORM Social traffic broken down by Facebook and Twitter Percentage of all traffic that comes from mobile devices 012.8% E 28 .0 UNITED STATES 91.0% ‘ LATIN AMERICA 07.5% 05-496 25% WESTERN EUROPE EAST ASIA UNITED STATES LATIN AMERICA WESTERN EUROPE EAST ASIA The US is one of the weakest Twitter has a relatively small regions when it comes to influence on traffic around the engagement. A third of all visitors world except in the Americas. leave an article before they even Latin America in particular is scroll down the page at all, and driven by a large proportion the average engagement ranks of traffic from both Facebook among the lowest in the world. and Twitter. This remains true Also, users spend little time per even though the proportion of month reading articles on mobile traffic to Latin American individual sites compared to the sites is below average. rest of the world. This might be explained by the abundance of news alternatives in the english speaking world. European nations stand out as the region where social sources like Facebook and Twitter have the smallest impact. Once on an article, however, the engagement of readers in Western Europe are almost indistinguishable from the US audience. EAST ASIA Mobile and Facebook traffic are Oceania sits in the middle of the story in East Asia. Nearly half nearly all metrics presented here. of all traffic to Eastern Asian sites With readers spending 32 come from mobile devices, which seconds engaging with articles is dramatically larger than any on average, however, Australia other region. A highly mobile and and its neighbors are among the social audience, however. comes most engaged in the world. with the lowest engagement of all the regions with people only spending an average of 23 seconds engaging with the articles they visit. Visitors to Eastern European websites engage with content more than any other region. Not only do they engage more with each article visit, they spend more time reading articles over the course of a month on each site they visit. High audience loyalty and low mobile/ social traffic suggests that Eastern Europeans are still consuming content from traditional news sources. NOTE: Regions included are only those for which there is sufficient data available 7 Chartbeat 646.218.9333 I PRODUCTOUTREACH aCHARTBEAT. COM