Collegeclub Amsterdam
Collegeclub Amsterdam

- 1. To have a significant impact on health care ?
- 2. Two Questions : How many doctors are here ? How many patients are here ?
- 3. approx. 500 BC The Hippocratic oath No mention of the role of the ‘patient’ or ‘patior’ Does mention the Godly powers of the doctor To keep uninformed was common
- 4. Sir Luke Fildes 1887
- 5. Banking will be disrupted ❖ Since 2006 ❖ after announcement IPO in 5 hour $800M ❖ At IPO net worth $8.9B ❖ in beween Google and Twitter ❖ this … is WE banking
- 6. Patients & Technology
- 7. Innovation time performance 0 most demanding use high quality use medium quality use low quality use disruptive technology Clayton Christensen, Harvard
- 8. Neglect time performance 0 Lucien Engelen 2011 pre-gap post-gap
- 9. These are blocking me from being in Cannes right now… kidneystones
- 10. On wardIntensive At home Current Vitals : Lucien Engelen @REshape And mobile
- 11. 2015 / 2016 : 8200
- 12. printing meds
- 13. M E D
- 14. everyone, everywhere, always connected