Emerging Trends in Libraries for 2015
- 1. Emerging Trends in Libraries david lee king | topeka & shawnee county public library | davidleeking.com for 2015
- 2. flickr.com/photos/lgb06/4390432853/
- 3. 10 year cycles flickr.com/photos/wwworks/5063710551/
- 4. flickr.com/photos/gumption/5318386773/
- 5. What’s NEW for you?
- 6. 1Consumer Technology flickr.com/photos/personalspokesman/105737843/
- 7. flickr.com/photos/personalspokesman/105737843/ stuff we use
- 8. flickr.com/photos/sarabeephoto/8563344780/
- 9. smartphones, tablets, laptops
- 10. gaming - HUGE changes flickr.com/photos/ian_d/30859899/
- 11. flic.kr/p/bzYBiM
- 12. Television flickr.com/photos/75012107@N05/9183539215/
- 13. watching video flic.kr/p/5kovZt
- 14. listening to music
- 15. connected cars flic.kr/p/nHqun2
- 16. Batteries! http://widgetlove.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/d1eb4c9f6ec46dda73e75238af223687/s/k/sku_60646_1.jpg
- 17. What’s this mean for the library?
- 18. wearable tech- nology flickr.com/photos/keoni101/7069578953/ 2
- 19. pearlsofprofundity.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/dick-tracy-5.jpg
- 20. Google Glass flickr.com/photos/blazenhoff/10075402254/
- 21. smart watches flickr.com/photos/piatkowski/8558437789/
- 22. health monitor bracelets flickr.com/photos/intelfreepress/9690003914/
- 23. what’s this mean for the library? flickr.com/photos/intelfreepress/9690003914/
- 24. 3mobile flickr.com/photos/ramyoga/3025034131/
- 25. flickr.com/photos/mr_t_in_dc/6937521074/ not a good idea
- 26. flickr.com/photos/73295603@N00/7195432918/
- 27. 64%of US Adults own smartphones
- 28. what do your mobile users need? flickr.com/photos/beavis/2425374221/
- 29. design for mobile
- 30. teens…
- 31. cell mostly
- 32. BYOD flickr.com/photos/fishbraintexas/7263316350/
- 33. What’s this mean for the library?
- 34. Social 4 flickr.com/photos/daniel_iversen/5440727436/
- 35. Why? because of mobile
- 36. 71%of US Adults use social media
- 37. 29%of US Adults use Facebook every day … at work!
- 38. What’s this mean for the library? flickr.com/photos/90288178@N00/6979776901/
- 39. visual 5 flickr.com/photos/rammorrison/4704353204/
- 40. photos and videos flickr.com/photos/meddygarnet/4113035049/
- 41. pinterest vine instagram tumblr
- 42. 78%of US Adults watch online videos
- 43. What’s this mean for the library? flickr.com/photos/oppl/5867907324/
- 44. update policies
- 45. training
- 46. how to act in front of a camera
- 47. 6Grassroots Tech flickr.com/photos/laughingsquid/4169808020/
- 48. flickr.com/photos/tbisaacs/2641052226/ flickr.com/photos/flickrsven/4788472500/
- 49. what’s going on here? flickr.com/photos/jandrick/3586246946/
- 50. flickr.com/photos/opacity/3531963245/ 3D printers & makerspaces
- 51. makerbot.com
- 52. flickr.com/photos/fayfreelibrary/9674422713/
- 53. flickr.com/photos/fayfreelibrary/9711109328/
- 54. flickr.com/photos/mempix/9657224972/
- 55. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbybs0MLqq1rhd130o1_500.jpg
- 56. flickr.com/photos/griffey/8562525683/
- 57. more than 3D printers drill presses vacuum cleaner CAD/CAM software computers CNC router normal shop tools scroll saws laser cutters power tools
- 58. flickr.com/photos/skokiepl/4058219993/ Digital Media Labs
- 59. flickr.com/photos/skokiepl/4058219993/
- 60. flickr.com/photos/skokiepl/5552496451/
- 61. flickr.com/photos/skokiepl/3882340882/
- 62. flickr.com/photos/skokiepl/3890021232/
- 63. flickr.com/photos/vvvamobile/7237665204/
- 64. flickr.com/photos/kongtemplation/3717885164/
- 65. flickr.com/photos/madrideducacion-es/6850575857/ Co-Working spaces
- 66. other cool stuff
- 67. flickr.com/photos/darienlibrary/6280965372/
- 68. check out guitars!
- 69. What’s this mean for the library?
- 70. 7The Cloud flickr.com/photos/johnmueller/52621490/
- 71. webscale
- 72. http://staging.servercloudcanada.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/define2.jpg
- 73. 8 flickr.com/photos/redjar/705588228/ Crowdsourcing
- 74. examples
- 75. MOOCs
- 76. What’s this mean for the library?
- 77. 9The Internet of Things
- 78. ams-ix.net/newsitems/87
- 79. 0quantified self
- 80. 0iBeacons
- 81. flic.kr/p/mFcVCt
- 82. flic.kr/p/pMY9RB
- 83. What’s this mean for the library?
- 84. Trends vs. Fads flickr.com/photos/tonythemisfit/2592267101/
- 85. Fad flickr.com/photos/slworking/5738159839/
- 86. Trend flickr.com/photos/yourdon/3405811164/
- 87. how to prepare
- 88. don’t be held back by tech!
- 89. thank you! davidleeking.com