For Entrepreneurs, CEOs and Startups: Cookie cutters are for baking, not branding
For Entrepreneurs, CEOs and Startups: Cookie cutters are for baking, not branding from DBD International, Ltd.
- 1. “Cookie cutters are for baking, not branding” and 9 more insights to transform your brand by David Brier
- 2. A day that goes by without breaking some sacred branding rule is a day your brand has lost TO Rise above the status quo. 1
- 3. By breaking those rules with insight, intelligence and innovation, you get heard (in a world that's too damn busy to listen).
- 4. We know there are thousands of ways to solve any problem and that the only valuablesolutionsare the effective ones... 2
- 5. Doing something ineffective in half the time — or "more efficiently” — isn't progress, but is instead bad business.
- 6. Socialmedia isn’ta brand strategy. Social media is a channel. While it’s important for a brand to develop something to say, it’s more important to create something that will be heard. 3
- 7. 4 History is filled with inferior productsoutselling superior ones thanks to better branding.
- 8. Only superior branding has the power to overcome and reverse this. Superior products deserve superior branding.
- 9. 5Consumers and clients have a first momentwhen they discover a brand.
- 10. 5Consumers and clients have a first momentwhen they discover a brand. It’s this defining momentthat establishes expectation and perceived value.
- 11. (Deliveringonthatvalue willdetermine whetheryourcompanythrives ormerelystumblesalong.)
- 12. 6 People never got passionate about mediocre& average. Thisiswhythereisnoaisleinagroceryordepartmentinastoreor menuonawebsitefor“averagestuff”or“beigeproducts.”
- 13. Whileconsumersandclientscanfind “bestdeals”or“naturalfoods”or“artisangoods,” onedoesn’tfindanaisleorawebsitemenutabfor “averagestuff”whichexplainsthis: whilevanillaisnecessaryfor theicecreamsundae, it’sthehot fudge weall crave(andtalkabout).
- 14. 7 Brands that use clichésto promote their brand end up promoting their category, not their brand.
- 15. 8 Growthandbranddominance iscreatedbyhaving thehighestbrandvalue, not the lowest price tag. Onecanalwayssellsomethingbyofferingthelowestprice.
- 16. pricedoesnotcreateloyaltytoyourbrand. Neverdidandneverwill. Itonlycreates"loyalty"tothat price point. Assoonasyourcustomer isofferedabetterprice,heorshewilljumpship,leavingyoulike ascornedloverinthemiddleofthenight.
- 17. 9 Brands are built on either reruns or coming attractions.
- 18. The future has no road map while the past clearly does. Creatingabrandthatblazesnewtrailscansometimesbebumpy butwillalsoallowyoutobethefirsttodiscoversomethingnew, somethingmeaningfulandsomethingthatmakesothersask, “Why didn’t we think of that?”
- 19. Design, copy and art direction: David Brier use these 9 points to outsmart, outperform and outmaneuver your competition follow him on twitter here: David Brier
- 20. “cookiecuttersareforbaking,not branding”copyright:davidbrier learnmoreabout brandinghere: