Friday, May 15, 2015

What's For Dinner?

What's For Dinner?

Orange Chef presents an exclusive web panel for leading experts ready to help their audience embrace new ideas and approaches to making simple, healthy meals. Learn more at or follow us on Twitter @theOrangeChefCo
Published in: Food


  • 1. Taking the decision fatigue out of healthy eating What’s for Dinner?
  • 2. Panelists Santiago Merea CEO & Founder Orange Chef Sofie Jaffe Chef & Nutritionist The Philosophie Edwina Clark Head of Nutrition Orange Chef Moderator: Sarah Sung Guides Managing Editor, SF Editor Urban Daddy
  • 3. ● What are some of the biggest challenges you see in tackling healthy eating? ● Where does decision fatigue begin? At the grocery store or in the kitchen? ● What role does technology play in creating a healthy lifestyle? ● Does technology diminish your awareness or internal intuition about eating? If so, how would you get around that? ● How would you encourage our influencers to help their audience embrace new ideas in healthy meal making? ● There are so many different dietary preferences out there (paleo, gluten free, vegetarian, etc) How do you reconcile your own philosophies with an increasingly diverse audience? ● Any insights you can share that our audience doesn’t already know? Let’s get started
  • 4. Find joy in meal planning and discovering new recipes! Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube Stock your kitchen Key staples for creating a healthy meal: ● sea salt, coconut oil, coconut milk, honey, herbs and spices. Keep your kitchen clean and tidy ● Washing dishes in between food prep steps and right after you finish a meal. Sophie’s tips
  • 5. Keep it simple A flavorful, delicious meal can be created with under 10 ingredients and 30 minutes! Prep snacks ahead of time Bag up some almonds or pre-pack some carrots and hummus Stop counting calories and start looking for color. Create meals with a rainbow of whole, unprocessed, nutrient-packed foods ( fruits and veggies!) Play music or listen to something inspiring while you cook Sophie’s tips
  • 6. Keep good snacks around. Eat less quantity (portion control) by using smaller plates. Identify some good takeout/delivery options. Cook for/with people. Have a cupcake every once in a while. But made from whole ingredients. For me, it's a good burger. Santiago’s tips
  • 7. Downsize your dishware: ● This one is a no brainer! Eat off smaller dishes and invest in tall, thin glasses to eat + drink less. Snack between meals: ● Hunger causes hormonal changes that spur cravings for fatty, salty, and sugary foods. Overindulgence (+ regret) follows. Plan ahead: ● Make a shopping list: Have an action plan at the supermarket. Don’t go hungry and stick to the walls! ● Cook + freeze: Dinner plan B for crazy days! ● Keep an arsenal of healthy snacks on hand. Edwina’s tips
  • 8. Veg-out: ● Transform small meals into bigger ones! Colors provide lots of volume (+nutrition) for few Calories. ● Enjoy local + seasonal to optimize taste and nutrition. Invest in great ingredients: ● Good quality ingredients require little manipulation to taste (and look) fantastic! Think 80/20: ● Aim to be better not perfect. ● It’s okay to enjoy treats every once in a while. Edwina’s tips
  • 9. Tweet your question to @TheOrangeChefCo with #WhatsForDinner Q&A
  • 10. Sign up for our affiliate program! Email Share the news on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook Join our Gaggle to get the latest messages to share Pre-order today at Join the Orange Chef community
  • 11. Thank you