Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Give Your Candidates What They Want

Give Your Candidates What They Want

Nurturing a positive candidate experience is more important than ever. Check out what candidates say they want in a job interview experience.
Published in: Recruiting & HR


  • 1. Give Your Candidates What They Want Nurturing a positive candidate experience is more important than ever.
  • 2. According to the 2013 Candidate Experience Survey, a candidate’s experience is determined by myriad interactions, from the time it takes to fill out an application to the frequency—and depth—of communication. How can you avoid the missteps that alienate potential employees? Here’s what organizations and candidates shared in the survey—and how your company can deliver a better candidate experience. Yet organizations aren’t always savvy to what creates happy candidates.
  • 3. Candidates share positive recruiting experiences—and negative ones. More than 61% of candidates with a positive experience would encourage others to apply for a position. Only 5% with a negative experience would encourage others to apply – BUT a quarter of those said they would actively discourage others from applying. Translation: a loss of referrals with significant hard-dollar costs you don’t want to have! 1
  • 4. Action Step: Encourage candidates to share their recruiting experience, not just with their inner circle and social media (a given), but with your organization. Then, seize the opportunity to address negative feedback—and promote the positive.
  • 5. Candidates want an easy application process that allows them to present themselves in the best light. Candidates reported a negative experience when they felt an application process limited their ability to share all their skills and knowledge. They want the chance to present their full range of competencies. How long it took to complete an application was also significant. A tedious process—especially if the organization didn’t set expectations of how long it would take to complete—resulted in more negative feedback. 2
  • 6. See it from the candidate’s point of view by timing how long it takes to complete your company’s application. Also ask yourself, how can we make it easier for someone to provide more information in fewer steps? Action Step:
  • 7. Organizations are missing out on the opportunity to hear the candidate’s perspective. Candidates who aren’t selected are often a great source of data about the recruiting process. Yet only 14.8% of organizations ask for such feedback on a regular basis. More than 3/4 of candidates surveyed said they were never asked—or couldn’t recall being asked—to share details of their recruiting experience. 3
  • 8. Implement simple ways to solicit candidate feedback, e.g., consider using surveys to discover what worked— and what didn’t. Action Step:
  • 9. By relying heavily on automated messages, organizations aren’t fostering real candidate engagement. More than half of candidates no longer being considered for a position reported receiving a standardized email from a do-not-reply address with limited feedback. Only 7.4% reported receiving a personalized phone call from a recruiter. 4
  • 10. Consider ways to increase use of personalized, branded communication with all candidates. Explore adopting technology to efficiently create a more one- on-one, engaging experience. Action Step:
  • 11. As the number of applicants per position increases, making smarter hiring decisions faster is more critical than ever. Half of organizations surveyed experienced a 200+ applicant- to-hire ratio, especially for hourly and entry level positions. The significance? Sifting through such volumes requires a staggering amount of time, and their treatment has a tremendous impact on future candidates’ perception of your organization. 5
  • 12. Create a more personalized hiring experience—and slash the time to finding the right candidate—by exploring recruiting management technology options. Action Step:
  • 13. Hiring the best and brightest doesn’t have to be painful. Cornerstone helps organizations around the world to more quickly recruit and onboard superstars, train and develop them, and manage their performance and career succession. Find out how at csod.com or call (888)-260-3955. ©2014 Cornerstone OnDemand, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Content based on the 2013 Candidate Experience Survey and the Candidate Experience webinar on March 11th, 2014. To view the webinar, click here. csod-cp-candidate-exp-072014