Intro to the SF Design Community Resources
Published in: Design
- 1. Intro to the SF Design Community. Huge Tonight
- 2. Breaking In.
- 3. Take control of your career.
- 4. Ask yourself: What am I passionate about?
- 5. Goal: In X years I want to…
- 6. Goal: In X years I want to… - Design at a digital agency - Be a visual designer - Launch my own startup
- 7. Portfolio. First impressions:
- 8. Design your portfolio. Design your portfolio. Design your portfolio.
- 9. Treat it as it’s own project.
- 10. If you must use a template.
- 11. Give it some love.
- 12. Your portfolio represents you. But you’re not always there to talk about the work…
- 13. Your designs should be relevant. vs.
- 14. Only show the kind of work you want to be hired to do.
- 15. Your designs should be timely.
- 16. Design is more than just about making things beautiful. It’s about storytelling.
- 17. - Background. - Users. - Hurdles. - Goals. - Design & Thought Process - Conclusions. Talk about these things when you presenting your design.
- 18. Don’t have enough experience? Get it any way you can.
- 19. Make an improvement to something out there.
- 20. update
- 21. Help someone out.
- 22. Friends. Family. Acquaintances.
- 23. Think blue sky.
- 24. What if…
- 25. Use social media to your advantage.
- 26.
- 27. Find the right design job.
- 28. Job boards. Linked In Coroflot Indeed
- 29. Employer insight. Glass Door Linked In Friends
- 30. Salary guides. Coroflot Glassdoor AIGA
- 31. Always ask for more. ;)
- 32. Interviewing.
- 33. Be prepared: Bring your work, and be ready to talk about it.
- 34. Be honest: Acknowledge your strengths and where you want to grow.
- 35. Be direct: Be clear about what you’re looking for.
- 36. Show some fucking enthusiasm.
- 37. “Do you have any questions you’d like to ask me?”
- 38. Always research the company before you go in.
- 39. And don’t be afraid to reach out to someone you look up to.
- 40. Resources.
- 41. Email Newsletters. Sidebar–5 interesting design links, daily Openbeta–Betaworks’ newsletter, great updates on new products MediaREDEF-curated mix of media+tech+pop content LaunchTicker-Tech + Startup news and announcements (paid) Quartz–World news (daily) ProductHunt–New Products/startups
- 42. Groups and events. GeneralAssembly–Lotsofgreateventsandworkshops AIGA-Professional association for design,SanFranciscochapter SFDesignWeek–WeeklongcollectionofgreatBayAreadesigneventseveryyear IxDA-SFChapter-Local and global events Designers&Geeks–8,500+ members, regular events CreativeMornings-A great monthly event series to stay inspired witheventsinSanFranciscoandOakland Parisoma–Coworkingspacethathostsdesignevents Meetups–Therearelotsofgreatlocaldesignfocusedmeetupsthathostregular eventsincludingLeanUXSF,DesignersWhoCode,CascadeSF,andmore!
- 43. Education. GeneralAssembly-Classes like Intro to UX, 12 week courses on UX TheDSchool,InstituteforDesignatStanford-Virtual Crash Course, no degrees HugeSchool-Paid apprenticeship program in NYC
- 44. Blogs. PSFK - Your daily dose of interesting and creative uses of new technology Julie Zhuo on Medium – Insightful design articles from Facebook Design Director Boxes and Arrows - High quality articles and podcast interviews Smashing Magazine – Deep-dive into more advanced UX topics FastCo Design – Articles & news on the hottest design & technology offerings A List Apart - Articles on everything from the industry to design to coding Signal vs. Noise - Thoughts from the guys at 37 Signals Information Aesthetics - A blog focusing on interesting information design and visualization
- 45. Questions?