Should corporates have a startup garage?
- 1. Hi we are idealabs!We are an entrepreneurialHUB located in the center ofAntwerp. We promoteentrepreneurship by insipiring,educating and engaging. Weaccelerate startups and helpthem grow. Creatingentrepreneurs!
- 2. All sorts ofEntrepreneursStartup FoundersInterpreneursIntrapreneursThoseintrapreneursseem to be hot!
- 3. Contents of this presentationIs there a corporate innovation boom?We believe that there’s a new innovationera coming for big companies, with a newset of rulesExample of a intrapreneurialbootcamp within a big corporationExamples of new innovation efforts ofcorporates
- 4. “The popular perception is thatmost corporations are just toobig and deliberate to producegame-changing inventions”
- 5. ‣ The focus of an establishedfirm is to execute an existingbusiness model.‣ Discovering a new businessmodel is inherently risky.‣ People who are best suited tosearch for new businessmodels usually are not thesame managers who succeedat running existing businessunitsBig Companies can’tinnovateNew innovation Era?
- 6. Positive Trends for BigCorporations‣ Increasing ease anddecreasing cost of innovation‣ Companies are embracingopen innovation‣ Companies are integratingentrepreneurial behaviors‣ Creating business modelsthat tap big companiesunique strengthsNew innovation Era!