Tuesday, May 5, 2015

#Technology-Web 2.0 and the Enterprise: A Symbiotic Relationship

Web 2.0 and the Enterprise: A Symbiotic Relationship

Published in: Technology


  • 1. Web 2.0 and the Enterprise A Symbiotic Relationship Shiv Singh, VP & Global Social Media Lead at Razorfish Page 1 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 2. Who am I? VP & Global Social Media Lead at Razorfish Been with the Agency 10+ years in US & Europe Responsible for leading the POV in social Global Fortune 100 clients on both sides of the firewall Quoted extensively in the press on Social Media Published “Corporate Intranet Best Practices Report” Blogging at Going Social Now (www.goingsocialnow.com) And also at The App Gap (www. theappgap.com) Twitter ID: shivsingh Page 2 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 3. 5 reasons why it is a symbiotic relationship Page 3 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 4. 5 Reasons for a Symbiotic Relationship 1. Facebook enters the Enterprise 2. Principles of Trust everywhere 3. Big Ideas & Little Ideas matter 4. Social Graphs serve as a bridge 5. Organizations have changed Page 4 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 5. The transformation began in 2006 The interest in the consumerization of the enterprise probably began with this article in the MIT Sloan. Facebook had roughly 12 million users at the time Page 5 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 6. Time shifting & place shifting We then discovered that the same type of time shifting happening among consumers was taking place in the workplace too. People were switching between tasks, collaborating and consuming media in completely new ways Page 6 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 7. Mass Collaboration Everywhere At Razorfish we started playing around with some of the new social technologies. Our wiki which won a Groundswell award changed the way we shared information with each other dramatically Page 7 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 8. And now Web 2.0 is the mainstream web Three in four US online adults now use social tools to connect with each other compared with just 56% in 2007. Forrester Research, October 2008
  • 9. And our work and personal lives continue to blur Page 9 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 10. This isn’t a bad thing. It means people are thinking about their personal lives at work but their work lives at home too That’s why I consider it to be the Facebook in the Enterprise phenomena Page 10 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 11. 5 Reasons for a Symbiotic Relationship 1. Facebook enters the Enterprise 2. Principles of Trust everywhere 3. Big Ideas & Little Ideas matter 4. Social Graphs serve as a bridge 5. Organizations have changed Page 11 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 12. The Strength of Weak Ties So what have we learnt? That certain social networking principles apply as much to the design of solutions for the enterprise as they do for consumers. Here are few The people you are most loosely connected to in a network are the most powerful ones Mark Granovetter, 1973
  • 13. Everything built on trust People share with each other online, if they trust each other offline. Barry Wellman, 2007 This explains why Facebook and MySpace succeeded when sites like Sixdegrees.com and Tripod failed. They did not put enough emphasis on the trusted relationships. Intranets in organizations with strong cultures succeed for the same reasons. That’s why culture matters
  • 14. Other Concepts People join networks if they already have friends on them Behavior patterns on one network are influenced by others Growth happens in the giant component and is influenced by stars Network size has a complex influence on members People “put in a position” to disseminate information that belongs to someone else in their social network. That’s where trust breaks down Page 14 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 15. Resulting in a changing SN Landscape Page 15 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 16. And explosive growth of some networks Page 16 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 17. There’s a science to this stuff. You can learn from academia to understand how to nurture and evolve your own communities Page 17 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 18. 5 Reasons for a Symbiotic Relationship 1. Facebook enters the Enterprise 2. Principles of Trust everywhere 3. Big Ideas & Little Ideas matter 4. Social Graphs serve as a bridge 5. Organizations have changed Page 18 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 19. Once upon a time we lived in a world where everything was about the big idea. Whether it was the personal computer, reality TV or iPods, these were all big ideas. We spent time thinking about the next big one.
  • 20. Now a lot of little ideas are more powerful than the single big one. Why? Because people choose the best ideas and not the experts. Little ideas are changing the world too
  • 21. Facebook Newsfeeds Facebook’s newsfeed is a great example. When launched, it wasn’t a big idea. In fact a lot of people thought it was simply an invasion of their privacy. Today we know its one of the reasons for Facebook’s phenomenal growth. It makes the social graph real Page 21 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 22. People don’t start collaborating on the first day. You first need to provide context & content and champion entrepreneurship before fuelling participation. And similar insights matter in the enterprise too. Facebook didn’t launch its site with Newsfeed. They first established themselves with context and content. Think about your enterprise initiatives the same way Page 22 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 23. 5 Reasons for a Symbiotic Relationship 1. Facebook enters the Enterprise 2. Principles of Trust everywhere 3. Big Ideas & Little Ideas matter 4. Social Graphs serve as a bridge 5. Organizations have changed Page 23 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 24. Social Graphs entered the mainstream with the launch of FB Connect by Zuckerberg last year. Now every website can incorporate social graphs. This is a huge step forward in the evolution of the web Page 24 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 25. LinkedIn Apps. An Intranet replacement? Another example, LinkedIn with its open API and its applications. Now your LinkedIn profile can become your intranet. It has your social graph and your most important apps Page 25 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 26. A corporate example, of the Ford Marketing Intranet that we built. You know what’s interesting about it? It looks like a consumer social media solution as it should. Shows the symbiotic relationship Page 26 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 27. So what’s the key point here? Your business is going to look very different in the future. The walls between the enterprise and the rest of the world will break down Page 27 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 28. 5 Reasons for a Symbiotic Relationship 1. Facebook enters the Enterprise 2. Principles of Trust everywhere 3. Big Ideas & Little Ideas matter 4. Social Graphs serve as a bridge 5. Organizations have changed Page 28 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 29. You can’t leave the conversation to marketing 1.0 Strategy & Research & Marketing & Human Corporate Operations Planning Development Sales Resources Communications Customers 2.0 Strategy & Research & Marketing & Human Corporate Operations Planning Development Sales Resources Communications Customers Page 29 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 30. Comcast officially allowed its engineers to talk publicly on discussion forums. Its letting them become brand stewards. This is not just about Twitter. The social web is turning every employee in an organization into a marketer as it should. Page 30 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 31. And its changing the publishing world too. Businessweek wants you to collaborate with your network on its own site. Is an intranet or Facebook needed when knowledge workers can have this? This is the future. Page 31 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 32. Organizations now use YouTube too! Executives can talk to information workers with it Sales wins can be celebrated globally in real time Knowledge Management through interviews and examples Training for customers, employees and business partners Building social relationships between regions and offices But you must allow for viewing, finding, tagging, rating, ranking commenting and sharing Page 32 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 33. The new company recruiter. Everyone We’ve turned every employee into a recruiter. If you click on the jobs listings in my Facebook profile and apply for a job I automatically get the referral bonus without any effort. My profile real estate is being used to generate revenue for me and help my company at the same time Page 33 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 34. What does this all mean? Let social touch every part of your business. Its probably one of your best bets for transformation during these times. Page 34 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 35. In Summary - 5 Reasons for a Symbiotic Relationship 1. Facebook enters the Enterprise 2. Principles of Trust everywhere 3. Big Ideas & Little Ideas matter 4. Social Graphs serve as a bridge 5. Organizations have changed Page 35 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.
  • 36. Thank You Shiv Singh Shiv.singh@razorfish.com http://www.goingsocialnow.com http://www.theappgap.com Twitter: shivsingh Page 36 © 2008 Razorfish. All rights reserved.